El Salvador5


the most trusted fundraising & charity organization


Together to help the world better!

Please help us change lives around the world.
Homes and community

The life changing impact of a home

Sponsor a home

Sponsor a home
We are a sustainable community based on social inclusion in the construction of housing and community infrastructure in the world committed to building a better quality of life for families with families.<br /> Many families spend years living in temporary shelters, and these communities are often without sanitary water, offer no protection from the outdoors, and aren’t structurally safe. These are not places of opportunity, they are places of survival.</p> <p>But people, and children especially, deserve an environment not just to survive, but to thrive. With real homes, comes the opportunity for many things, including a better life.

Sponsor a community

Sponsor a community
Clean water and proper sanitation dramatically decrease the risk of disease and sickness. Things as simple as bathrooms in communities prevent the likelihood of water contamination and the spreading of infectious diseases. Living in a dwelling without a foundation means water runoff often flows through the floors, and for children, this can spell devastating illness for children in poverty. That’s why each of our communities is finished with running water and electricity and proper bathroom facilities. It ensures that we’re solving problems, not just moving them from place to place.<br />

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

Support Our School

Support Our School
Children can’t grow into their full potential if they don’t have the freedom to learn. A stable home gives kids the opportunities to read and rest and become the best student they can possibly be.


GreatChanges welcomes volunteers with skills and experience that can be used in the classroom or for the benefit of the local community.

Sponsor A Child

Sponsor A Child
Great Changes sponsors children in need
help the world better

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Kunco Makes Strength


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For a safer world for children
Running Events

Running Events

From 5k to an ultra marathon
Leave A Legacy

Leave A Legacy

Leave a gift for the future
Fundraise At School

Fundraise At School

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